Tula licorice oak

ЕВ D.521.W04

EXTRAVERT edge bands meet international quality standards and are an environmentally friendly and safe thermoplastic. Impact resistance and a special method of application to furniture guarantee a long service life. We made sure that the collection of EXTRAVERT edges exactly matches the collection of EXTRAVERT chipboard decors. 

  • Material
  • Coating

  • Экспо-Торг
    г. Москва, ул. Амурская, д. 1АК3 (вход с внутренней стороны здания)
  • Экспо-Торг
    г. Москва, ул. Нижняя Сыромятническая, д.10, центр дизайна "Артплей" (строение 7, 2 этаж, офис №203)
  • г Новосибирск, проезд Северный, Дом 33

Advantages of materials

  • 01
    Environmental friendliness
    ABS meets international quality and safety standards
  • 01
    Wear resistance
    Impact resistance and a special method of application to furniture guarantee a long service life
  • 01
    Perfect compatibility
    Edge decor collection is fully consistent with the laminated chipboard decor collection
  • 01
    Custom order
    For details on quantity and volume of delivery, contact the EXTRAVERT sales department

In harmony with nature

  • Less CO2 and renewable energy
    We reduce CO2 emissions by 45,000 tons annually. The commissioning of the power plant followed by abandonment of gas use allowed us to increase renewable energy sources from 35% to 85%
  • Waste-free production
    We reuse all wood by-products, down to bark and wood dust. Recyclable materials are used to produce new slabs, and the rest is used as raw material for thermal energy production
  • Responsible forest management
    We purchase wood from legal sources only and in the regions closest to our plant. We participate in voluntary certification of products according to the Forest Standard system and comply with legislation in the field of environmental protection
  • International standards
    Emission class of our laminated chipboard complies with international standards E1, E 0.5 and EPA, which makes the product absolutely safe even for children's areas
EXTRAVERT products in the interior design
EXTRAVERT is a comprehensive range of high-quality materials , made for harmonious and trendy designs for private, public and commercial spaces
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